Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Plan!

I have once again changed my mind about my Flora charm quilt! Indecision, her name is Lisaleh. I just can't get excited about putting together granny squares. I think it's the idea of cutting up all my charms into quarters. I don't know why but it isn't appealing to me.

I came across a quilt on Flicker (via Pinterest) of a quilt made of HSTs using charms and I think this is the direction I'm going to take. The great thing about HSTs is after making them all, I can play around with my layout. The quilt is by Jessica and guess what? She works in HR too! A kindred spirit! Check out her blog.  Here's her Recess Baby Quilt:

I'm going to start working on my HSTs right away! I'm not sure I'll use the same exact same layout as she did, but I am going to use white as my background colour. Here goes...


  1. You have such a pretty name, and it's not one that I have come across before. I'm not sure how you pronounce it correctly? I've also had the problem where I've loved a quilt but just couldn't face the cutting requirements, mine was to cut 10" blocks, then layer them and cut them into quarters, then diagonally also into eighths. Then those segments got pieced onto the background fabric... just way too much cutting to just sew it all back together again!

  2. LOVE the idea of doing this with your charms ... can't wait to see how this turns out!! :) Perrrrttyyy idea!
